Andrew Johnson in Cartoons

Andrew Johnson’s controversial career inspired many cartoons by Thomas Nast, a famous cartoonist of the day.
(Click on each image for an explanation and expanded view, additional links within each picture)

This first set reflects Johnson and reconstruction.

  • On the left, a cartoon reflecting unequal treatment of Confederate Veterans and freed slaves

  • The middle cartoon is about the Veto of the Freedman’s Bureau (an agency created to assist newly freed slaves)

  • On the right, a complex cartoon showing anti-black riots at the top

These next cartoons critique Johnson’s 1866 speech making trip (around the circle) and his kingly style leadership (click images to expand).

Riots and Resentment

Impeachment - on the left the ‘death of Caesar, anticipating Johnson’s removal from office, on the right, Johnson after acquittal in the Senate

Wants to run again!

Loses Election, goes home.

Final Years, returns to Taylor shop, fails and then succeeds at winning election to Senate